Balancing Between Life & International Study

Lorien Finance
Lorien Finance

Many things make you want to pounce back into bed after an all-nighter with a pile of homework from the night before. Besides feeling overtired, it might be hard to find time for a break when everything is piling up and you don't know how to fix it. If this sounds too familiar, you are most likely going through academic burnout. This happens when your academic performance and personal life seem overwhelming, and you think you cannot cope anymore. This might make you feel anxious, and you cannot focus on anything. But, if instead of giving in completely, you can have a go at implementing just one of the following tips, then who knows? Maybe you'll find yourself on the right track.

International students are often on the go from day to day, often balancing a heavy workload with culture.  Burnout was officially recognized in 2019 by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as an ‘occupational phenomenon’ and was added to their International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11). But did you know it wasn't an official term until recently, despite being experienced by thousands of people worldwide?

What is life like as an International Student in the US?

Many international students come to the United States to pursue their education. While this can be a great experience, it can also be challenging. There are a few things that you can do to help make your transition to life in the US a little bit easier.

Some of the most common symptoms of academic burnout include a general feeling of being unable to keep up. You think you have too much to do, too many assignments, exams, and lectures to catch up on. This takes your energy which also makes you feel unmotivated and cynical. This overwhelming feeling, in turn, causes fatigue, sleepless nights, and anxiety. Due to this, some people might feel headaches, backaches, and musculoskeletal pain.

There could be many reasons for feeling so and a few of them are enlisted below:

One of the biggest challenges for international students is making friends. It can be difficult to meet people and feel like you belong when you're new to a place. One way to combat this is by getting involved on campus. There are likely many different clubs and organizations that you can join. This is a great way to meet people who share your interests and make friends.

Another big challenge for international students is homesickness. It's normal to miss your family and friends from home, but it's important not to let homesickness take over your life. Again, one way to combat this is by getting involved on campus and making friends. Additionally, try to stay busy with your studies and other activities so that you don't have as much time to think about home.

Also, to help you stay connected with your loved ones back home Lorien Finance offers a free international SIM Card with full-speed internet data during your first month in the USA.

Finally, it's important to manage your finances carefully as an international student in the US. Education can be expensive, so it's important to budget carefully and make sure you have enough money for tuition, books, and living expenses. You may also want to consider working part-time while you're studying to help offset some of the costs of attending school in the US. In addition, firms like Lorien Finance offers low-interest education loans to make your lives easier in the USA.

Tips on how to keep your academic burnout at bay

1. Keep a regular sleep schedule: Getting enough sleep is crucial for maintaining your mental health and avoiding burnout. Make sure to go to bed and wake up at around the same time every day, even on weekends.

2. Eat healthily and exercise: Eating a nutritious diet and staying active will help you feel your best and have the energy you need to succeed in your studies.

3. Take breaks: Drink water or water your favorite plants on your desk. Use the washroom, clock in at least a few hundred steps, go for a walk, and take a friend along, but don’t discuss studies/work. The point is to vacate that chair of yours. And when all else fails, turn to the power of a strategically timed snack.

4. Connect with others: Maintaining social connections is an important part of keeping stress levels down. Whether you meet up with friends, join a student organization, or attend cultural events, interacting with others can help you combat feelings of isolation and loneliness.

5. Tie up loose ends: Knowing that you have some unfinished business to take care of the next morning adds momentum to the new day.

Psychologists are in on this slacking routine too. According to the Zeigarnik effect we tend to remember incomplete tasks or events more easily than our accomplished ones. Use this theory as an excuse to stop doing whatever you’re trying to accomplish and instead, make a list of half-done things to resume the next morning.

6. Seek professional help if needed: If you think you're experiencing burnout and everything seems a bit overwhelming, the best thing you can do is talk to someone. This might be your tutor or a lecturer whom you feel comfortable around. If your problem extends beyond your workload, sharing the same with your teacher can be the first step to solving your burnout. If you need support with your mental health, they can direct you to someone who can help you.

Pros and Cons of living in the States

There are many pros and cons to living in the United States as an international student. On the pro side, there are many opportunities to learn and grow academically and professionally. There are also many chances to meet new people and make friends from all over the world with myriad cultural backgrounds. Besides, there is a higher standard of living, cleaner surrounding and air, organized traffic and government rules, and good quality food and life overall.

On the contrary, there are also some challenges to living in the U.S. as an international student. For example, it can be expensive to live in the U.S., and it can be challenging to find housing and transportation. Additionally, there may be cultural differences that take some time to get used to. Ultimately, whether or not living in the U.S. as an international student is a good experience depends on the individual student's needs and preferences.

How to convince yourself to get out of bed

It can be tough to get out of bed in the morning, especially when you're an international student and feeling homesick or overwhelmed. But there are some things you can do to convince yourself to get up and start your day.

First, remember why you came to the United States. Whether it's for educational opportunities, to experience a new culture, or something else, keep your goals in mind. It can be easy to forget what you're working towards when you're feeling down, but reminding yourself of your motivations can help you push through tough times.

Second, take some time for yourself each day. This can be difficult when you have a busy schedule, but it's important to schedule some personal time so that you can de-stress and recharge. Maybe wake up a little earlier each day and spend some time reading, journaling, or meditating. Or, if you have free time in the evening, use it to do something enjoyable like going for a walk or watching a movie.

Finally, reach out to your support system. If you're feeling homesick or lonely, talk to friends or family back home, or connect with other international students on campus. Sometimes just knowing that you're not alone can make a big difference.

Stay healthy and happy by having a balanced lifestyle

It's no secret that the United States is a country with a lot of opportunities. However, it's also a country with a lot of stressors. As an international student in the US, you may feel pressure to succeed academically, make friends, and adjust to a new culture all at the same time. It's important to maintain a balanced lifestyle so that you can stay healthy and happy during your time as a student in the US. Here are some tips on how to lead a balanced life:

Good planning: Planning the first hour of your following workday makes you start the day in a good mood. And a productive start amplifies the chances of being happy all day long, except for that godforsaken last hour.

Get enough sleep: A good night's sleep is crucial for both your physical and mental health. Be sure to get at least seven hours of sleep every night so that you can function at your best during the day.

Retail Therapy: A little retail therapy never hurt anybody either. Zara newsletter just dropped glimpses of its new lingerie collection. Activate incognito mode, and fill the cart. You can use the Debit Card from Lorien Finance to get unlimited cashback offers and to make easy purchases!

Eat Healthy: Eating nutritious meals will help your body and mind stay strong. Make sure to include plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in your diet. And don't forget to exercise and let happy hormones do the needful!

Drink Water: This is often sidelined, especially when you are stressed, but dehydration can cause a whole host of problems contributing to academic burnout. According to the NHS, dehydration can make you feel dizzy, lightheaded, and tired.

Finally, The best way to tackle academic burnout is to break down your tasks into manageable chunks, which will reduce your stress levels and reduce the impact of burnout. These smaller tasks will give you better control of your situation. If the tasks seem more minor, they're more manageable.

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