Studying Abroad | Winter Survival Tips in The USA

Winter in the US has a distinctive charm of its own. Winter is bound to impress and delight if you don’t have a problem with warm jackets and cozy scarves. Brighten up your festive feelings in chilly winter even though the winter slump brings a unique set of pitfalls with it, from the short sun for sunlight to stimulating new mental activity. The cold, the holiday food coma-inducing meals, and the Snowpocalypse apocalypse could be overwhelming for you. But winter doesn't always have to be a tiresome slog; colorful Christmas markets, beverages, and yummy holiday season food are awaiting you!
Even then we present to you some easy tips on how to survive a brutal winter in the US!
What is the best way to stay warm?
In the colder months, it's important to make sure you're staying warm and hydrated. Here are some little things to keep in mind while you are at your dream college in a foreign land:
-Dress in layers: Wearing multiple layers of clothing is one of the best ways to stay warm. This way, if you start to feel too warm, you can always take a layer off. Frankly speaking, the Indian winter wear won't help in such chilly weather. So, buy thermals, insulated coats, and water-resistant shoes from the US itself, and always keep double layers on to keep cold at bay. Brands like Columbia are easily available and affordable. Lorien Finance gives you complimentary US Bank A/C and Debit cards with exclusive cash-back offers to make your purchase easy and hassle-free. Visit the website to check out more.
-Stay dry: It's important to stay as dry as possible when it's cold out. Wet clothes can make you feel much colder than if they were dry. Keeping a change of clothes or wearing water sturdy slip-resistant boots and tightly woven, water-repellent, and hooded garments could be your savior.
Drink plenty of fluids: Staying hydrated is key in any season, but especially in winter. Make sure to drink plenty of water or other fluids to regulate your body temperature. Keep a reminder on your phone, even when you are not thirsty your body requires liquids to keep you going.
Keep Some food with you: Even if you’re going to attend college keep energy bars or protein/chocolate bars since frequent eating warms up the inside of the body and keeps you warm in more ways than one!
Weather Apps: Install a weather app on your phone to stay updated on the weather forecast. The wind chills could be a bit tricky and change the atmosphere.
Avoid alcohol: Although it may seem like a good idea to drink alcohol to keep warm, it does the opposite. Alcohol makes your body lose heat faster and can cause dehydration, so it's best to avoid it if you're trying to stay warm.
No Exposed Skin: Make sure none of the skin is left exposed, including your earlobes and fingertips. They could lead to frostbites. Scarves and headbands should be worn at all times when heading out during winter.
Keep friends closer: Winters can be depressing, and winter depression is for real. So, keep in touch with your family and friends back home via facetime/skype. Lorien Finance helps you stay connected with your loved ones by providing international students with a Free SIM Card, free international calling, and 2GB of internet data in the first month.
How can you increase the warmth inside your home?
You can do a few things to bring some extra warmth into your home this winter. One is to make sure that you seal up any cracks or openings around doors and windows. You can also add some insulation to your walls and attic. Maintain the central heating at a minimum of 65*. Another way to stay warm is to wear layers of clothing inside the house. Clear the driveways and sidewalks from ice to prevent injuries. Also, occasionally open your faucets and let the water drip! This prevents water pipes from freezing. And finally, make sure you have plenty of blankets and pillows on hand to cozy up with when the temperature drops.
How can you keep hydrated in this winter season?
With the weather getting colder, it’s important to keep your body hydrated. Water helps keep your skin from drying out, prevents chapped lips, and helps your immune system fight off infection. Here are some tips on how to stay hydrated this winter season:
1. Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day, even if you’re not thirsty.
2. Carry a water bottle with you so you can take a sip whenever you like.
3. Add extra moisture to the air by using a humidifier in your home or office.
4. Drink fruit juices and eat fruits and vegetables that contain high water content such as watermelon, grapes, celery, and cucumbers.
5. Avoid diuretics such as caffeine and alcohol which can dehydrate your body.
Top 5 US campuses with the coldest winters:
Some students crave cold weather, while others simply bear it in exchange for a reputable degree. Whether you love the idea of bundling up for a class or you’d rather study by the pool, check out five top-ranked colleges with serious cold weather conditions:
Dartmouth College
McGill University
Middlebury College
University of Colorado, Boulder
Williams College
Despite their harsh winter weather conditions, the schools we’ve listed are among the best institutions in the world. A top-tier diploma can go a long way, even if you have to rub the frost off it.
Where should people go if they want to go outside and have fun on a cold day?
Although it may be cold outside, that does not mean you cannot have any fun. Make sure you get warm pads. Simply shake them and stick them in socks to keep your feet warm or your hands or any part of the body to avoid frost bites. Get a pair at a convenience store nearby or on Amazon
There are plenty of activities to enjoy during a cold day, as long as you dress appropriately and take care of yourself. Here are some ideas of where to go and what to do on a cold day:
- Go for a walk or hike in the woods. Make sure you wear layers and have the proper footwear to avoid slipping on ice.
- Visit a nearby town or city. Explore the shops and stop for a warm drink or meal.
- Head to an indoor swimming pool for a few laps. The exercise will help warm you up and the water will feel refreshing.
- Attend a local sporting event, like a hockey game or ice skating. Bundle up and cheer on your team!
- Do some winter gardening. It's a great way to get fresh air and get your green thumb fix.
Whatever you decide to do on a cold day, just make sure you dress warmly, stay hydrated, and don't overdo it if you're not feeling well. With some careful planning, you can still enjoy the outdoors even when it's chilly out!
Winter Terms:
Some of the terms used during cold weather in the US could seem foreign to you. Here’s a list of some winter terms you might get to hear too often:
Hypothermia: Hypothermia is a condition caused by exposure to low temperatures and results in an abnormally low body temperature. Symptoms include shivering, lethargy, confusion, slurred speech, and loss of coordination. In severe cases, hypothermia can be fatal
Frost Bite: Frostbite occurs when exposed skin tissue freezes. It most often affects extremities like the nose, ears, cheeks, chin, fingers, or toes. Symptoms include numbness, prickling, or stinging sensations followed by white or pale skin that feels hard to the touch. If untreated, frostbite can lead to permanent tissue damage.
Chilblains are painful inflammations of small blood vessels that occur in response to repeated exposure to cold temperatures. They typically affect the toes and fingers and appear as red patches on the skin.
Winter Sleet: Sleet occurs when snow falls through a shallow layer of warm air causing it to melt. As the precipitation falls back through a dense layer of cold air closer to the ground, it refreezes and forms sleet.
Freezing Rain: Freezing rain occurs when snow falls through a deep layer of warm air and back into a thin layer of cold air. The rain falls through a cold layer, right at the ground, and freezes on contact, causing a layer of ice to form.
Blizzards: A blizzard is a severe snowstorm characterized by strong sustained winds and low visibility, lasting for a prolonged period—typically at least three or four hours. A ground blizzard is a weather condition where snow is not falling but loose snow on the ground is lifted and blown by strong winds.
So here we go. When it comes to winter, many of us tend to experience a dip in energy and motivation levels. But the aforementioned tips could come in handy to combat the seasonal slump and make winter more fun. There is always light at the end of the tunnel. It could be your first Christmas celebration in the USA, so enjoy every bit of your first fresh snow!